Controlling algae
Some people may not want to believe it, but algae are a vital element in a garden pond. Only when they are there can life in water function properly. Many microorganisms that are essential for a pond's biology, such as rotifers and daphnias, feed on algae. Thus, they form the basis of the food pyramid in the pond.
It is also a good sign if a number of different algae species exist in the pond as this prevents mass reproduction of individual algae species. In the same way as plants, algae perform photosynthesis. This makes them an important supplier of oxygen in water.
Everything in moderation
At Söll, we only take a dislike towards excessive numbers of algae in garden ponds. Algal bloom is not simply an aesthetic problem. This phenomenon also destabilises the ecological balance. Unhindered algae growth lowers carbonate hardness and causes fluctuation of the pH value. As a result of this, pond dwellers may suffer damage.
The causes of algal bloom are always an excess supply of nutrients in the water, particularly in the form of phosphate, and a large amount of sunlight. Even phosphate concentrations of a little more than 0.035 mg per litre can trigger effusive algal bloom.
This is why algae become a problem particularly in spring and summer. Water which is infested with algae is an obvious sign that the pond is not in (its natural) balance and action is required.
The most important Algae species
There are almost 80,000 different types of algae. In the majority of cases, the following three groups of algae cause problems in ponds

Floating algae are fine single-celled or multicellular algae, which can cloud the water and make it turn green. They often reproduce excessively in spring and initiate the "spring algal bloom".

Filamentous algae have a filamentous or threadlike structure. They form 'mats' or 'clumps' on the surface of the pond or on the bottom of the pond and in shallow water zones, where they establish themselves.

Blue-green algae are incorrectly referred to as algae, as they are actually an ancient group of microorganisms containing blue pigment. These cyanobacteria are mainly noticeable as an oily film on the surface of the water. Sometimes, they emit an unpleasant musty odour. The excrements of cyanobacteria may be toxic and can cause allergic reaction when brought into contact with skin.
Anti-Algenprodukte von SöllAnti-algae products by Söll
Söll anti-algae products such as AlgoSol and BlanketweedRemover are effective against all types of algae, reduce algae growth to normal and restore the ecological balance in the garden pond. By the way: Fish may remain in the water during the process of algae control using Söll products.
Our advice: Before treating algae, you should always check the key water values (KH, pH) and, if necessary, adjust them (1. stabilising the water). Since large amounts of phosphate are released by the algae controlling process which will encourage algal growth, it is advisable to remove superfluous nutrients from the water afterwards (3. Binding nutrients).
Copper - a valuable active ingredient
For more than 20 years, Söll has relied on copper as an active ingredient in liquid algaecides for ponds. What are the reasons for this? Because it is a naturally occurring trace element. In our view, copper is the most ecologically sensible solution to arrest algae growth.
In addition, we use the light filter SpektroSorp in some algaecides. It filters certain wave lengths of the visible light spectrum in the water and inhibits photosynthesis activities of algae in the garden pond.
Safety first
For us, consumer safety is the top priority. Thus, we only use copper of the highest quality that has a very high degree of purity. If copper were to be contaminated with other heavy metals, unforeseeable and undesirable side effects would be the consequence. We have extremely high quality standards for this raw material and, accordingly, we can rule out these risks.
Furthermore, the copper concentration of all our algaecides is such that no fish, amphibians or plants will suffer any damage. Of course, proper implementation according to the dosage and application instructions provided on every product label is a prerequisite. By doing this, the water in your pond or aquarium will be safe for consumption should your cat or dog decide to have a drink.
Approved active substance
The law confirms our view: Since 2013, so-called copper sulphate pentahydrate has been approved by the European Union for use as an active substance in biocides. This approval followed several years of risk assessment, during which time the EU evaluated scientific data and studies, always mindful of ensuring a high level of protection for human beings, animals and environment. Special attention was paid to vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children.
Essential copper
It is well-known that copper plays an important role in keeping living beings healthy. As this trace element is essential for all forms of life. It fulfils important functions within the organism, for example for cell metabolism, connective tissue, and the central nervous system.
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) considers a daily intake of 1 to 1.5 milligrams of copper to be appropriate. This need can be met by the consumption of cereal products, offal, fish, and nuts. Many food manufacturers also deliberately add copper to their animal food products because animals (including house pets) require the trace element in order to remain healthy.
Incidentally, drinking water also contains copper. According to the current German Ordinance on Potable Water (TVO) dated 10 March 2016, the threshold value for drinking water 2,000 µg/l. By strictly following the dosage instructions of our products, this concentration cannot be reached in ponds.
Transparency is paramount
We make no secret of the amount of copper you add to your ponds using our products! All our product detail pages include detailed information concerning the respective active ingredient content.